What can I expect?
Sunday mornings are characterized by coffee, small breakfast foods and good teaching. The people of FBC are notoriously welcoming and friendly. Since we are a small body of Believers, you won’t wander around with no idea of what to do or where to go. You will be greeted by happy faces that will make you feel welcome.
What is the music like?
We are certainly among the minority of churches in America that still use a hymnal to sing. Although the people of FBC love singing, it isn’t the primary focus of our worship service. Our music is designed to prepare our hearts for worship, through the teaching of God’s Word.
How long is church?
The worship service lasts 90 minutes. We enjoy a time of announcements, congregational singing, and Scripture readings, followed by an expository message. Some people bring a notepad and pen to take notes.
Can I bring my kids to church?
Yes. Children are enthusiastically welcomed in our services. An infant nursery and a toddler nursery are also available. Furthermore, junior church is available for elementary aged children most Sundays.
What do I wear?
Dress in a way that you are comfortable. You will see men in a suit and tie, some dressed casually, and everything in between. However, the most common form of dress, would be considered business casual.
Who is Jesus?
He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Learn more here.
What do you believe?
This is a great question. Please take some time to read though our Doctrinal Statement, found here.
What denomination are you?
Flushing Bible Church is unaffiliated with any denomination or organization and is completely independent. However, we are characterized by our commitment to the inerrancy and infallibility of the Bible.
What if I have more questions?
FBC believes strongly in transparency, in every way possible. Please don’t hesitate to contact us, if you have a question not addressed on our website.