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  • An Introduction to Proverbs
    • 8/21/22

    An Introduction to Proverbs

    Join us today as we begin a new study of the Book of Proverbs. In this book we have teaching and admonitions that are perfectly relevant for us today as we live in the midst of a fallen world. From a study of this book we can gain skill in living the Christian life as we apply God's principles to our thinking and our actions. Our prayer is that you will be blessed by this study and grow in your relationship with our Savior.

  • How Does Proverbs Fit?
    • 8/28/22

    How Does Proverbs Fit?

    Join us as we continue to look at the wonderful book of Proverbs. Should this book be in the Bible? How does it fit with the rest of the Bible? What kind of writing is it? In this lesson we answer some of these important introductory issues so that we can better understand the text and therefore, know how to be wise.

  • A Biblical Worldview
    • 9/4/22

    A Biblical Worldview

    Today we begin looking at the text of Proverbs beginning in chapter 1. Here we see what it means to have a biblical worldview. Proverbs is all about how to live in obedience to the Lord in every day life. Join us as we look at how to have a biblical worldview.

  • What Is Righteousness?
    • 9/11/22

    What Is Righteousness?

    What is righteousness? What is justice? What is equity? These are terms that are misunderstood, and misused throughout our society today. But, the Bible defines these terms for us, and a proper understanding of them is foundational to having a biblical worldview.

  • The Role of Parents
    • 9/18/22

    The Role of Parents

    The role of parents is under absolute assault in America today? the Bible has a completely different narrative. It tells us that parents are responsible raising their children. Join us as we look into what Proverbs has to say about this crucial role that protects people from sin.

  • How to Say No to Sin
    • 9/25/22

    How to Say No to Sin

    In this lesson we look at how to avoid sin. Sin is something that every person on this planet faces whether we are believers or not. The Bible tells us how to avoid sin, and no where is this more prevalent than in the book of Proverbs. Join us as we look at how to say no to sin.

  • Wisdom Is Calling
    • 10/2/22

    Wisdom Is Calling

    Joins us today as we look at Proverbs 1. In this lesson we learn how to apply the truth of the Bible to our lives, in that God is revealing how He desires for us to live and think in its pages. As our culture moves further and further away from God, there has possibly never been a more important time to know and apply the truth of Proverbs.

  • Wisdom Is Calling, Will You Answer?
    • 10/16/22

    Wisdom Is Calling, Will You Answer?

    The book of Proverbs is a book largely about the choices that we have to make in life. Do we choose to obey God and His word, or are we going to choose to follow the world's way of thinking? Proverbs shows us what it looks like to obey, and what the consequences of disobedience are. Join us as we study this important book.

  • Proverbs: Wisdom Is Found in the Lord
    • 10/23/22

    Proverbs: Wisdom Is Found in the Lord

    Did you realize that the Christian life is all about choices? Will you choose to follow the Lord? Will you choose to believe in the Lord? Will you choose to obey the Lord? In this lesson we see that we need to choose to desire wisdom in order to have it, and if we will seek it, the Lord will give it to us. Join us as we study the wonderful book of Proverbs.

  • Wisdom Is Found in the Lord
    • 11/6/22

    Wisdom Is Found in the Lord

    Today we look at how the obedient believer is blessed and protected by the Lord simply through obeying God's word.

  • 11 Proverbs: The Blessing of Obedience
    • 11/13/22

    11 Proverbs: The Blessing of Obedience

    Join us as we look at what Proverbs 2 has to say about discernment and how to get it. We will also see how being born again is not a New Testament concept, but that it is one from the Old Testament, just as Jesus taught Nicodemus in John 3. The Bible is God's word to us, and it is more and more amazing as we learn God's wisdom for us.

  • Proverbs: The Blessing of Obedience Part 2
    • 11/20/22

    Proverbs: The Blessing of Obedience Part 2

    Today we look at how trusting in God's word keeps us from some of the common sins that ensnare us.

  • The Blessing of Obedience, Part 3
    • 11/27/22

    The Blessing of Obedience, Part 3

    Does it matter if we are obedient as Christians? Can we live however we want since we have eternal life? Discover what the Bible says about the blessing of obedience as we study the Proverbs.

  • Ten Keys for Christian Living
    • 12/4/22

    Ten Keys for Christian Living

    Chapter 3 of Proverbs is probably the most practical portion of the most practical book in the Bible. Join us as we begin our look at the ten principles for Christian living that we find in this chapter.

  • How to Live for the Lord: Trust God
    • 12/11/22

    How to Live for the Lord: Trust God

    Join us as we continue our study of the most practical chapter of the most practical book of the Bible. In this lesson we see that one of the keys to contentment is trusting the Lord. We live in a time when we are told to trust ourselves, or trust the science. The Bible tells us to trust God in order to find contentment.

  • Don't Trust Yourself or Your Money
    • 12/18/22

    Don't Trust Yourself or Your Money

    Join us as we study principles for Christian contentment from the book of Proverbs. Proverbs 3 is the most practical chapter in the most practical book of the Bible. Today we see that we should not trust ourselves or our money. Instead we should be trusting in the Lord. Our prayer is that this lesson encourages you to live for the Lord today.

  • Give & Get Disciplined
    • 1/8/23

    Give & Get Disciplined

    Today we continue our look at Proverbs chapter 3. This chapter gives us 10 keys to commitment, and in this section we see that we are to give money for service to the Lord, and that we are to grow as Believers in the discipline that the Lord sends our way. Join us as we look at some principles for giving for the Believer, and how this is to shape us as those who trust in the Lord.

  • How to Live for the Lord: Grow In the Struggle
    • 1/15/23

    How to Live for the Lord: Grow In the Struggle

    In this passage we learn about the importance of discipline in the life of the Believer. The Lord uses this tool to form us into the people He desires us to be. Join us to be encouraged through God's word as we learn how He shapes all things to work together for good for us.

  • 19 Proverbs: Seek Wisdom and Understanding
    • 1/22/23

    19 Proverbs: Seek Wisdom and Understanding

    In this message we look at another key to living successfully as a Christian. The book of Proverbs is one in which we learn how to live for the Lord; this chapter is the most practical portion of the book. Here we see ten keys for living for the Lord. Seeking wisdom and understanding is one of these keys.

  • 20 Proverbs: Know the Lord Is With You
    • 1/29/23

    20 Proverbs: Know the Lord Is With You

    Join us as we look into the Marriage Supper of the Lamb and the blessedness of being invited to it. All of the Bible is God's truth; however, this passage says that these are "the true words of God." This should indicate to us that this is a passage that God desires for us to understand.

  • 21 Proverbs: Be Generous
    • 2/5/23

    21 Proverbs: Be Generous

    As we continue our study of Proverbs, today we look at the concept of being generous. This is one of the ten keys to the Christian life that we find in Proverbs 3, and today we will see there is more to being generous than just giving your money.

  • 22 Proverbs: Love Your Neighbor
    • 2/19/23

    22 Proverbs: Love Your Neighbor

    How to Live for the Lord: Love Your Neighbor

  • 23 Proverbs: Eschew Evil
    • 2/26/23

    23 Proverbs: Eschew Evil

    How to Live for the Lord: Eschew Evil

  • 24 Proverbs How to Raise Godly Children: Guide Them Towards Wisdom
    • 3/5/23

    24 Proverbs How to Raise Godly Children: Guide Them Towards Wisdom

    Today we look at Proverbs chapter 4. In this lesson we see that we can gain insight into how to raise our children for the Lord. Our youth will learn how to act from someplace, whether it be their friends, YouTube, TikTok or their school. God has said in His word that it is the responsibility of fathers to teach their children, however. Join us as we look into what the book of Proverbs has to say on this important topic.

  • 25 Proverbs How To Raise Godly Children: Stay on the Right Path
    • 3/12/23

    25 Proverbs How To Raise Godly Children: Stay on the Right Path

    Join us this morning for adult Sunday School at Flushing Bible Church. We will be continuing in our study of Proverbs with Pastor Kurt Obermeyer.

  • 26 Proverbs: Be Persistent
    • 3/19/23

    26 Proverbs: Be Persistent

    In this lesson we study the importance of persistence in living for the Lord. Does it seem like the world is against you? Are things difficult in your life. Join us as we study the absolute necessity of being persistent in living for the Lord.

  • 27 Proverbs: Be True to Your Wife
    • 3/26/23

    27 Proverbs: Be True to Your Wife

    In today's lesson we learn the importance of moral purity in the walk of the Believer. The world is full of temptation, but how can we deal with it? How do we avoid the trap of sexual immorality? Join us as we study this important, timely subject from Proverbs 5.

  • 28 Proverbs: God's Plan for Marriage
    • 4/2/23

    28 Proverbs: God's Plan for Marriage

    In this lesson we continue our look at Proverbs 5. It is as if God used Solomon to compose a message for the 21st century in Proverbs 5. This chapter is something that every Christian should know and apply to their life as we live in a society that is crumbling largely due to sexual immorality.

  • 29 Proverbs: Three Traps to Avoid
    • 4/9/23

    29 Proverbs: Three Traps to Avoid

    Today we continue our look at the wonderful book of Proverbs. In this lesson we see that Solomon warns his sons about avoiding three traps in life; foolish pride, laziness and being deceitful. Learn these lessons well so that you can be more pleasing to the Lord.

  • 30 Proverbs: It's OK to Hate
    • 4/16/23

    30 Proverbs: It's OK to Hate

    Is it OK to hate? Well, the Bible tells us that God hates certain actions of people. God hates sin, so clearly we can hate the things God hates, in spite of what the world will tell us.

  • 31 Proverbs: Don't Be a Fool
    • 4/23/23

    31 Proverbs: Don't Be a Fool

    The book of Proverbs sometimes seems as if it is a handbook written to tell us how to navigate the world in the 21st century. Nowhere is that more true than chapter 6 of this incredible book. Here we see how we can avoid the pitfall of adultery in all its forms.

  • 33 Proverbs: Wisdom Personified
    • 5/7/23

    33 Proverbs: Wisdom Personified

    Today we see the Bible treating wisdom as if it were a person. This will most likely lead you, as a believer, to think about Jesus Christ, since He is wisdom personified. He is the ultimate example of wisdom, because He is the embodiment of truth. Join us as we look at this passage and see how it can direct us in our daily living and decision making.

  • 34 Proverbs: Wisdom Personified Pt. 2
    • 5/28/23

    34 Proverbs: Wisdom Personified Pt. 2

    Join us this morning for Adult Sunday School at Flushing Bible Church. This morning we will be continuing to learn from the book of Proverbs led by Pastor Kurt Obermeyer

  • 35 Proverbs: Heed Wisdom
  • Proverbs 36
  • Proverbs-37
  • Proverbs-38
  • Proverbs-39
  • Proverbs-40
  • Proverbs-41
  • Proverbs-42
  • Proverbs-43
  • Proverbs-44
  • Proverbs 45
  • Proverbs-46
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  • Proverbs- 50
  • Proverbs-51
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  • Proverbs 53
  • Proverbs 54
  • Proverbs 55
  • Proverbs 56
  • Proverbs 57
  • Proverbs 58
  • Proverbs 59
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  • Proverbs 61
  • Proverbs 63
  • Proverbs 64