Our Beliefs


Who We Are

We are a grace-oriented body of believers who wish to glorify God with our lives. Our Sunday morning service is an attempt to equip the believers with knowledge from the Bible so that we can better serve our risen Savior. We do this through the worshipping of the Lord in spirit (with our minds) and truth (with His Word).  

Church Polity

FBC has adopted a congregational form of government. While the Elders are responsible to research and recommend actions, the church body is required to review, ratify, or reject actions, and can provide counter-recommendations to leadership.

Bible Teaching

It is our belief that expository (verse-by-verse) preaching, systematically, through individual books of the Bible, is the best method to convey biblical truth.



Flushing Bible Church is an independent Bible church. We are unaffiliated with any local, regional, or national association. The focus of FBC is on the proclamation and the spreading of the good news of Jesus Christ.


FBC contends that salvation is by grace, through faith alone in Jesus Christ; furthermore, saved people have the assurance of their salvation based upon what they have believed.  We are grace-oriented, pre-millennial and dispensational in doctrine.  See our Doctrinal Statement for a complete description of our beliefs.


Flushing Bible Church relies on the individual, volitional, and grace giving of our members and supporters.  No one is ever asked or pressured to give.  We do not resort to pledges, assessments, tithes, or promises to raise funds.  We trust by faith in God the Father alone to supply the needs of our church.