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  • An Introduction to Ephesians, Part One
    • 6/9/19

    An Introduction to Ephesians, Part One

    Today we start a new book study in Paul's letter to the Ephesians. In this lesson we look at some introductory material in order to understand the context of this monumental book of the Bible. This lesson focuses on the history of the city of Ephesus, and Paul's work there on his third missionary journey.

  • An Introduction to Ephesians, Part Two
    • 6/16/19

    An Introduction to Ephesians, Part Two

    Today we continue our introduction to Paul's letter to the Ephesians. In this lesson we finish looking at Ephesus in the Bible, and we look at the evidence for and against Pauline authorship. After looking at the evidence, it is clear that Paul is the author of this letter if we treat the word of God with any seriousness.

  • An Introduction to Ephesians, Part Three
    • 6/23/19

    An Introduction to Ephesians, Part Three

    In this lesson we discover when Paul penned this letter, and who the recipients of the letter were. We also see some possible reasons why Paul wrote to this body of believers.

  • An Introduction to Ephesians, Part Four
    • 6/30/19

    An Introduction to Ephesians, Part Four

    In this final introductory lesson we fly over Ephesians, and discover what is inside this incredible letter. Also, we look at the importance of studying this letter for us today. We are the church, and our time is running out to fulfill the role that God has for us.

  • Paul, Apostle to the Gentiles
    • 7/7/19

    Paul, Apostle to the Gentiles

    In this lesson we investigate how the Bible defines an apostle, and what the requirements are to be considered an apostle. Also we see how God's will is defined according to the Scriptures. Does God's will determine everything that happens, or is it what He desires to happen? Listen to this message to find out as we begin digging into the text of Ephesians.

  • Faithful in Christ Jesus
    • 7/14/19

    Faithful in Christ Jesus

    Today we discover what it means to be a saint. Is this a special designation for a "super Christian" or does every believer have the title of saint? Saints are simply believers who have a mission, and that mission is to be faithful to the Lord. All of this is done "in Christ" for the believer.

  • We Are His Possession
    • 11/17/19

    We Are His Possession

    Verses 11 and 12 have some fantastic truths in the for the Believer in Jesus Christ. Here we learn that we are God's possession after believing in Him for the forgiveness of our sins. Furthermore, we see that we should glorify God with our lives after we have been saved. In this lesson we look into the grammar and investigate the original language in order to see where many English translations fall short in communicating what Paul was telling the Ephesians.

  • The Word of Truth
    • 11/24/19

    The Word of Truth

    Unfortunately, there is about a two minute delay in the audio for this sermon, due to technical difficulties. In today's lesson we look at the Word of Truth, which is the Gospel of our salvation. In this we see what the Gospel is, and importantly, what the Gospel is not. There is much confusion in the church today about this very basic concept that is foundational to the Christian Church. Join us as we look into the Word of Truth, which saves us.

  • The Holy Spirit of Promise
    • 12/1/19

    The Holy Spirit of Promise

    In this sermon we complete the opening statement of praise where Paul is praising God for His incredible plan of salvation. Today we talk about the Holy Spirit of promise and His role in sealing believers and acting as a down payment for their future.

  • Faith in The Lord and Love for the Saints
    • 12/8/19

    Faith in The Lord and Love for the Saints

    In this lesson we see what being a Christian is all about. Christians have faith, but what is faith? Importantly, what is faith not? Also, we see the importance of love in the life of a Believer. How does the world know that we are saved? What is the best way to let others know that we are Christians? Listen to this sermon in order to get the answer to these important questions.

  • Knowing God
    • 12/15/19

    Knowing God

    Knowing God should be the chief aim of those who call themselves Christians. After all, we are to be conformed to His image, but how can we do that if we don't know Him. In this lesson we look at some of the keys to knowing God that are revealed in Paul's prayer found in Ephesians 1. Listen to this message in order to have an objective way of knowing God.

  • Knowing God, Part Two
    • 12/29/19

    Knowing God, Part Two

    Today we continue our series in Ephesians by reviewing Paul's prayer for the Ephesians in light of God's plan for salvation. We also look into why God needed a plan to save people in the first place. Knowing God better should be the goal of every Christian. In Paul's prayer for the Ephesians he specifically tells them three things that will help them know God in a more complete way. Listen to this message in order to understand the need for salvation better, and gain insight on how to know God.

  • Why Can We Trust God?
    • 1/5/20

    Why Can We Trust God?

    Today we continue our look at Ephesians 1 which concludes with a prayer from the Apostle Paul for the Ephesian believers. In this prayer he asks that they would know God better, and it finishes with an encouraging word about how we can trust that God will do the things He promises to do. We can oftentimes be filled with doubts about our future with God, but here we see three incredible reasons why we can trust God to do what He says.

  • Dead In Sin; Alive in Christ
    • 1/12/20

    Dead In Sin; Alive in Christ

    Chapter 2 begins with the worst news that a person could possibly hear. We are dead. Sin separates us from God and there is nothing we can do about it. Verse 4 begins with two of the most important words in the Bible, "But God." People are born in sin, but God died for us so that we could have life. Listen to this message to see what it really means to be "dead in sin."

  • Our Position in Christ
    • 1/19/20

    Our Position in Christ

    When a person believes in Jesus Christ for salvation they are given a perfect position in the eyes of God. We are made alive with Christ, we are raised with Christ, and we are seated with Christ in the heavenlies. What an amazing truth this is, and it is the motivation for living the Christian life. Listen to this message to be encouraged to carry on in this life because of the things that God has done for us.

  • The Gift of Salvation
    • 1/26/20

    The Gift of Salvation

    Ephesians 2:8-9 is one of the most important passages in the Bible in terms of how a person can have salvation. Do I have to be baptized? Do I have to speak in tongues? Do I have to do enough good works in order to cancel out my sins? Ephesians 2:8-9 makes very clear that there is one condition upon which a person receives salvation, and that condition is faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. But, is faith a gift that God only gives to certain people, or salvation the gift that we receive by faith?

  • What About Works?
    • 2/2/20

    What About Works?

    We often hear that salvation is by grace through faith, but what about works? How do they relate to our salvation, and do they play any role in our receiving eternal life? This important question is critical to our understanding of Christianity and the Christian life. Listen to this message in order to clearly see what the Bible teaches concerning works and eternal life.

  • Created for Good Works
    • 2/9/20

    Created for Good Works

    Did you know that you were created for good works? In this sermon we take a detailed look at Ephesians 2:10, and we discover that Believers have a purpose in God's plan. We are to walk in the works that He has prepared for us. Listen to this sermon in order to gain a better understanding of the role that works play in our salvation, and be motivated to live according to God's will and purpose.

  • Strangers to the Covenants of Promise
    • 2/16/20

    Strangers to the Covenants of Promise

    In this lesson we look at Paul's discussion concerning the church, and how it is a "new body" in God's program to restore creation. He begins by telling his Gentile audience about their desperate condition without Christ in this world. Here we talk a closer look at God's covenants with the nation of Israel and how we, as Gentile believers in Christ, relate to them, and how we now play a role in God's program of redemption.

  • The Church: One New Man
    • 2/23/20

    The Church: One New Man

    God has an incredible plan for the world. Did you know that you can play a part in His plan and purpose for the world? For 2,000 years of human history God dealt with the world through the nation of Israel. Now, after Christ, God has a different way to approach Him, and this is through the church, the one new man, made up of all those, Jews and Gentiles alike, who have trusted in Him.

  • The Church: One New Man, Part Two
    • 3/1/20

    The Church: One New Man, Part Two

    Is the law still in effect today for Christians? Do we live in accordance with the so-called moral law? What is the Christian's relation to the Law of Moses? In this lesson we look at these important questions in terms of what Paul says in Ephesians 2. Christians live in the age of grace where the Law has been abolished. But, does this mean that we are free to live how ever we want? Listen to this message to hear the answer to these important questions.

  • The New Man From the Cross
    • 3/8/20

    The New Man From the Cross

    How does the Law effect the life of the Believer today? What does it mean that Christ abolished the Law? What is the Mosaic Law? Listen to this message to learn exactly what happened on the cross in terms of the Law, and how it effects Believers in this age in which we live.

  • Peace With God Through Christ
    • 3/15/20

    Peace With God Through Christ

    Paul tells us in this passage that Christ came and preached to those who were far away and to those who were near. What an amazing God we serve, in that He came to die for us, and to send people out to proclaim the glory of salvation through faith in Christ. Ephesians 2:17 is a clear allusion to an Old Testament passage, so in this lesson we also look at how New Testament authors use the Old Testament, which dramatically helps us to better understand several passages of Scripture.

  • Fellow Citizens With the Saints
    • 3/29/20

    Fellow Citizens With the Saints

    As believers in Jesus Christ we are fellow citizens with the saints. What does that actually mean, though? Who are we citizens with? What are we citizens of? Listen to this lesson in order to be encouraged to carry on in spite of difficult circumstances as you will be encouraged by some incredible truths from the Scriptures.

  • The Church's Foundation
    • 4/5/20

    The Church's Foundation

    In this lesson we look into the church's foundation, and its importance for today. Much of Christendom is lost when it comes to what the church should be doing today. Paul's letter to the Ephesians makes clear what the foundation is, and how that truth forms the role for the church today.

  • The Dispensation of the Mystery
  • The Mystery Made Known
    • 4/26/20

    The Mystery Made Known

    Multistreaming with
  • Humble Service With a Purpose
    • 5/3/20

    Humble Service With a Purpose

    Multistreaming with
  • The Eternal Purpose of God
    • 5/10/20

    The Eternal Purpose of God

    Multistreaming with
  • The God and Father of All
    • 5/17/20

    The God and Father of All

    This is a continuation of our study of the book of Ephesians. If you missed any of the messages from the last few weeks they can be seen on our youtube channel, which is found at Kurt Obermeyer Ministries on youtube. In this lesson we look at the reasons why Paul is praying at this point in the letter. We also see the four requests that Paul is making, and finally we look at the God and Father whom we serve.

  • The Riches of God's Glory
    • 5/24/20

    The Riches of God's Glory

    Today we continue our look at the prayer of Paul that closes out chapter 3 in the letter to the Ephesians. Here we see Paul praying that the Spirit would empower them with strength, and that Christ would dwell in them by faith. These are two of the most important aspects of the Christian life, and are often times misunderstood. Listen to this message in order to gain insight into how to live a successful Christian life.

  • The Riches of God's Glory, Part Two
    • 6/7/20

    The Riches of God's Glory, Part Two

    Here we look at the importance of understanding Christ's love for us in the Christian life. According to Paul's prayer this is one of the keys to living the Christian life, and in fact, our joy is stolen when we don't properly understand Christ's love. Unfortunately, there were audio problems after the 34 minute mark. We apologize for this, and hope that you can still be edified by at least the first part of the message.

  • The Riches of God's Glory, Part Three
    • 6/14/20

    The Riches of God's Glory, Part Three

    Today we continue our look at this amazing prayer from the Apostle Paul, as he concludes the doctrinal section of this wonderful letter to the Ephesians. Often times we pray for our own well-being, or that of our friends, but do we pray for spiritual growth, or spiritual maturity? That is what Paul is praying for here, and it is a wonderful model for us also.

  • To God Be the Glory
    • 6/21/20

    To God Be the Glory

    Today we look at the doxology that concludes Ephesians 3. In this amazing statement of praise we get a glimpse of the amazing power of God and the fact that all of creation exists for His glory. Listen to this message in order to be encouraged in these difficult times.

  • The Worthy Walk
    • 6/28/20

    The Worthy Walk

    In this lesson we move into the practical section of Paul's letter to the Ephesians. Here we see what should be our motivation for living the Christian life. The Bible is clear that we are saved by grace through faith alone in Christ. However, God wants us to be His people in this dark world, and in this portion of the letter Paul begins to explain that we should live based on the incredible things that God has done for us through Christ.

  • The Unity of the Spirit
    • 7/5/20

    The Unity of the Spirit

    Is it the role of the church to create unity? Should we have unity at all costs, and what should it be based on? In this lesson we look at the critical nature of unity, we study how to preserve it, and critically, we see what the foundation of unity must be. Our prayer is that the body of Christ will better understand this important truth through the study of God's word.

  • Grace Gifts for All
    • 7/12/20

    Grace Gifts for All

    Did you realize that if you are a believer in Jesus Christ that you have been given a gift? Spiritual gifts are the way that we are empowered to serve the Lord in the age in which we are living. In this complicated passage we answer the question of what it means that Christ "descended to the lower parts of the earth." Did He preach to lost people in Hell? Did He need to do this after His death, or did He accomplish everything necessary on the cross?

  • Equipping of the Saints
    • 7/19/20

    Equipping of the Saints

    Today we begin at our look of how the New Testament church is equipped for the work of service. In this we see that God has given gifts to the church. These gifts are apostles, prophets, evangelists and Pastor-teachers. When these people properly fulfill their roles the church body is properly equipped to serve the Lord.

  • Equipping of the Saints, Part Two
    • 7/26/20

    Equipping of the Saints, Part Two

    Today we continue looking at this vital passage where Paul tells us of the importance of Bible teaching in the church age. Here we see that believers must be trained for the work of service through learning the Bible.

  • Don't Be Tossed Here and There
    • 8/2/20

    Don't Be Tossed Here and There

    God has given mankind the Bible so that he can know how to be saved and have a relationship with Him. It is also given to us so that we can have stability in our lives. Listen to this message to be encouraged in the Christian life, and have a more stable relationship with the Lord.

  • Real Church Growth
    • 8/9/20

    Real Church Growth

    Is God more interested in how many people attend the church, or whether those people who attend are growing? Obviously, God wants people to be saved and go to church, but it would seem from Ephesians 4 that He is more interested in believers growing spiritually. Listen to this lesson in order to learn about real church growth, and how God wants us to grow into Christ-likeness and in our love for one another.

  • Spiritual Gifts: The Proper Working of the Body
    • 8/16/20

    Spiritual Gifts: The Proper Working of the Body

    Today we look into the spiritual gifts. Specifically, we investigate whether or not the so-called sign gifts should be used in the church today. In this message we look at the various beliefs concerning this topic.

  • Why Are We Cessationists?
    • 9/6/20

    Why Are We Cessationists?

    Today we look at why we are cessationists? Why do we believe that believers are not using the sign gifts in today's church? As with all other questions having to do with the church it depends on how we interpret the Bible. In this lesson we look at how Pentecostals interpret the Bible, and how we interpret it, and what the results of these methods are.

  • What We Think Matters, Matters.
    • 9/13/20

    What We Think Matters, Matters.

    What we believe has an effect on how we act. Are we chasing after the things of the world, and the pleasures that we can experience here? Or are we living our lives for the Lord? In this passage we see that what we think is important can have a dramatic effect on the lives that we live.

  • Grace and Peace from Our God
  • Every Spiritual Blessing in Christ
    • 7/28/19

    Every Spiritual Blessing in Christ

    In this message we take an overview of verses 3-14, which is one complex statement about the spiritual blessings that believers have in Christ. This is probably one of the most important passages in the Bible as well as being one of the deepest. Here we learn of all of the benefits that we have as Christians, those who have trusted in Christ.

  • The Father's Omniscient Choice
    • 8/4/19

    The Father's Omniscient Choice

    Does God determine every decision that we make? Does He determine everything that happens in the world? Can He really be sovereign if He gives us a choice. In this message we dive into some of the deepest parts of the Bible seeking to discover what God's word says about these topics. Determinism vs. Free will is a debate that has been raging for millennia, but the Scriptures can give us answers if we allow the text to speak for itself.

  • Election: God's Appointment Plan
    • 8/11/19

    Election: God's Appointment Plan

    Election; this word, perhaps more than any in Christianity, conjures up all kinds of thoughts in our minds. These thoughts can often be characterized as "presuppositions," and presuppositions are something to be avoided at all costs when it comes to studying the Bible. In this lesson we look at the words that are translated in our English Bibles as chose, chosen, and elect in order to properly understand what Paul is talking about in this opening praise statement in the book of Ephesians.

  • Election: God's Appointment Plan, Part Two
    • 8/18/19

    Election: God's Appointment Plan, Part Two

    Today we look at the doctrine of election by studying more examples of its use in the Bible. Election is the idea that people have been selected to fulfill a role for the Lord, and often times it has the connotation that the best person, or choice person, is the one fulfilling the role. In these opening verses of Ephesians, Paul is praising God for appointing a way for believers to have a right relationship with Him.

  • Election: God's Appointment Plan, Part Three
    • 8/25/19

    Election: God's Appointment Plan, Part Three

    Part of that plan is the church. God determined in eternity past that all those who are in Christ would be holy and blameless. In this sermon we study the concept of being appointed to holiness and blamelessness. Here we see that God has appointed believers to serve Him, which is the true definition of holiness. Furthermore, in order to serve Him, we must be blameless in His eyes. This can only take place through transferred righteousness, which takes place at the moment of trusting in Christ.

  • The Way of Truth in Jesus
    • 9/20/20

    The Way of Truth in Jesus

    Is there truth? Can we know the truth? The Bible says "yes," and emphatically so. We can know the truth, and that truth is found in Jesus Christ. In this world that is rushing head-long into subjectivism and postmodern thinking, we need the message of the Bible, and truth that is found in Jesus Christ.

  • The Way of Truth in Jesus, Part Two
    • 9/27/20

    The Way of Truth in Jesus, Part Two

    Is there such a thing as truth? Can we know the truth? The Bible says that the answer to those questions is definitely yes. In fact, we can know the truth personally, and that is through Jesus Christ. Jesus is the truth, and this truth is the foundation for our daily lives. Learn how the truth of our salvation is the very foundation for how we are to live.

  • Don't Give the Devil a Place
    • 10/4/20

    Don't Give the Devil a Place

    God expects believers to live worthy of what He has done for us. Fortunately for us He has given us specific examples of what this looks like in His word. Listen to this message to see a couple areas of application in Christian living.

  • Working Worthy
    • 10/18/20

    Working Worthy

    In this message we continue our look at the applicational section of Paul's letter to the Ephesians. Here we see that we are to be holy because our God and Savior is holy; therefore, we should not steal, and instead work. Today we see the reason behind why theft is wrong, and why we should not do it. From this discussion we look at God's divine institutions which are the building blocks of a stable society, and how these truths should effect our voting decisions.

  • Working Worthy Part Two
    • 10/25/20

    Working Worthy Part Two

    In this lesson we look at the importance of working, and we will see how it is a God given privilege that we need to take advantage of so that we can share with those in need. Who are the needy? Is charity a function of the government? Listen to this message to see what God's word has to say about this important and timely subject.

  • Worthy Words
    • 11/1/20

    Worthy Words

    Our words have incredible power. We have the ability to destroy people with our words; or we can build people up with our words. In this message we continue our look at the book of Ephesians were Paul is telling us the importance of how we use our words, and he describes the great ability that we have to build others up and show them the grace of God with how we speak.

  • Don't Grieve God
    • 11/8/20

    Don't Grieve God

    Today we continue our verse-by-verse look at Paul's letter to the Ephesians. In chapter 4 verse 30 we see several truths that are vital to our understanding of God and what He has done for us, and what He will do for us in the future. Listen to this message to hear about God the Holy Spirit, the seal that He has put upon us, the future that He has in store for us, and why this should motivate us to live for Him in spite of our circumstances.

  • Let Go & Love One Another
    • 11/15/20

    Let Go & Love One Another

    Sometimes God's word is very difficult to interpret. Other times it could not be more clear in its meaning, and yet, these are the times when it is often the hardest to apply to our lives. Ephesians chapter 4 is one of those places. In these concluding verses we see Paul giving very simple instructions, but they can sometimes be incredibly hard to enact. Join us today as we look at how to be the Christian that God wants you to be.

  • Offer Yourself to God
    • 11/22/20

    Offer Yourself to God

    Unfortunately, this sermon is divided into two parts from this morning. Join us as we look at what it means to offer yourself to God as a living sacrifice. In this message we look at the meaning behind some of the Old Testament sacrifices and how they relate to our service for God today.

  • Don't Live Like You're Going to Hell
    • 11/29/20

    Don't Live Like You're Going to Hell

    The word of God is relevant to our world and life even thousands of years after it was written. The church does not need to be like the world in order to be...
  • Who Is Excluded from the Kingdom?
    • 12/6/20

    Who Is Excluded from the Kingdom?

    Today we look at the important question of who is excluded from the kingdom to come. First, of course, we must understand what the kingdom is in order to know who will be in the kingdom. Listen to this message to gain the assurance of salvation, and to know that Jesus Christ paid the full penalty for your sin; therefore, you can know whether or not you will be in His kingdom.

  • Do Not Be Deceived
    • 12/13/20

    Do Not Be Deceived

    Paul warned the Ephesians to not be deceived, to not believe in empty words. Our lives matter, how we live our lives matter to God. He wants us to be faithful to Him, because one day He is going to punish the world because of sin. Therefore, we should live lives that are pleasing to Him. Listen to this message in order to be encouraged in your daily walk with the Lord.

  • Predestined or Pre-Ordained?
    • 9/1/19

    Predestined or Pre-Ordained?

    Predestination, a word causes confusion and raises questions for some. This does not need to be the case, as God has not revealed Himself in the word via a mystery that cannot be understood. Instead, He has revealed Himself precisely so that we can know more about Him. In this lesson we dig into this concept through looking at the original language in order to discover the true meaning that Paul intended in Ephesians 1:5. God has pre-ordained the ultimate destiny of all those who trust in Him!

  • Predestined or Pre-Ordained? Part Two
    • 9/8/19

    Predestined or Pre-Ordained? Part Two

    Today we focus on the uses of the term "predestined" in our Bibles. When we do this we see that it refers to the predetermined salvation plan of God, not His selection of individuals for salvation. The Bible is clear that people must hear the Gospel and then believe in Jesus Christ for salvation, and that this decision is not made for us. Unfortunately, our English Bibles have influence from the Latin Vulgate in many places, and the concept of "predestination" is one of them.

  • Adopted Through Christ
    • 9/15/19

    Adopted Through Christ

    In this lesson we study what it means to be adopted into the family of God. Paul says in Ephesians 1:5 that believers in Christ have been predestined, or better pre-ordained to adoption through Christ. Using this imagery Paul shows that those who have trusted in Christ are now God's children, and that we have an inheritance laid up for us. Listen to this message to get a better understanding of what it means to be a part of God's family through faith in Christ.

  • Adopted Through Christ, Part Two
    • 9/22/19

    Adopted Through Christ, Part Two

    In this lesson we look see that believers are adopted into the family of God. This is only a privilege of those who have trusted in Christ. Furthermore, we look at the purpose of adoption, and its intended result, which is to be an heir.

  • Mystery of His Will
    • 10/6/19

    Mystery of His Will

    How does God reveal His will today? In this lesson we look at how God has done this in the past, and how the Bible says that He does this today. Also, in Paul's letter to the Ephesians we see that there is a mystery concerning God's will, and this mystery has been revealed. What is the mystery in Ephesians? What is a mystery in the Bible? Listen to this message to find out the answer to these important questions that help us understand how God works in the world today.

  • The Fullness of Times
    • 10/13/19

    The Fullness of Times

    In this message we look at the mystery of the church. The church is an entity that God planned for in eternity past. It is a wonderful part of His plan for the world, and restoring it to the way He created it to be. Paul reveals the mystery to the Ephesians in this wonderful letter in order to motivate them to live for the Lord now.

  • The Fullness of Times, Part Two
    • 11/3/19

    The Fullness of Times, Part Two

    Today we spend some time reviewing the opening verses of Ephesians 1, this incredible portion of Scripture that lays the foundation for understanding the book. Here we see God's omniscience on display, as Paul lays out God's plan to restore the creation and create a place where God and man can live in perfect fellowship without sin. Our focus today is on the time when this will happen, and we look at a few options for when all things will be summed up in Christ.

  • Where Are We Headed?
    • 11/10/19

    Where Are We Headed?

    Paul says in Ephesians that all things will be summed up in Christ. But when will this happen? Or has it already happened? In this lesson we see that this is a future event, and it will be a glorious time when people can live with God for eternity in perfect harmony. However, we have to know where we are now, and what God did in Christ in order to properly understand the future that believers have with Christ.

  • Walk as Children of Light
    • 1/3/21

    Walk as Children of Light

    In this lesson we learn more about the Christian life and how to live a life that is pleasing to the Lord. He is the Light, and as we walk in His light we learn to be more like He is. Join us as we continue our look at Paul's letter to the Ephesians.

  • Light and Dark
    • 1/17/21

    Light and Dark

    In this lesson we continue our look at the letter to the Ephesians where Paul is encouraging the Believers to be faithful and walk in the Light that is Jesus Christ. Today we see how this message is still relevant to believers living in 21st century America; perhaps, even more so.

  • Let Christ Shine on You
    • 1/24/21

    Let Christ Shine on You

    In this message we take a detailed look at Ephesians 5:14 where Paul makes an allusion to an Old Testament passages in Isaiah. Why does he do this? What is the meaning of this? Join us to get a better appreciation for God's word, and its remarkable application to our lives today thousands of years after it was written.

  • Be Filled by the Spirit
    • 1/31/21

    Be Filled by the Spirit

    Join us as we continue our verse by verse look at Paul's letter to the Ephesians. In this passage we look at the sometimes controversial topic of drinking alcohol. Does the Bible prohibit it? Does the Bible allow it? Paul uses drunkenness as an example to show us what not to do in the spiritual life in this passage giving us an important lesson about how to successfully live the life of faith as a believer in Jesus Christ.

  • Does How We Worship Matter?
    • 2/7/21

    Does How We Worship Matter?

    Does the Bible give us an indication of how we should worship the Lord? Yes, it certainly does. In this passage from Ephesians we look at being filled by means of the Spirit and how this will effect our worship of the Lord.

  • Wives, Attach Yourself to Your Husband
    • 2/14/21

    Wives, Attach Yourself to Your Husband

    In this message we look at the idea of submission in the church and in marriage. This topic is often considered to be controversial; however, if we properly understand God's word, there doesn't need to be any controversy. Join us as we look into what God's word has to say about the marriage relationship concerning the duty and role of the wife.

  • Husbands, Be a Loving Leader
    • 2/21/21

    Husbands, Be a Loving Leader

    In this lesson we look at the role of the husband in marriage. As the head of the home, the man is designated by God to be the leader in the marriage relationship. With this role of leadership comes a massive amount of responsibility. The man's primary responsibility is to love his wife, as Christ loved the church. Join us as we look into the high calling of being a husband who loves his wife like Christ loved the church.

  • Husbands; Be a Loving Leader, Part Two
    • 2/28/21

    Husbands; Be a Loving Leader, Part Two

    Join us as we continue our look at the role of the husband in marriage. Our culture is in the midst of an all out assault upon gender and marriage. But, as always, the Bible has the answers that we need to counteract these demonic attacks upon us as believers. In this lesson we study Christ and the church, and how this relationship gives us the example for husbands and wives in marriage.

  • Marriage Is Not a Mystery
    • 3/7/21

    Marriage Is Not a Mystery

    Today we conclude chapter 5 of Ephesians by looking at the great mystery of the church and how it relates to marriage. A proper understanding of the term "mystery" is essential to understanding how we can apply this truth to our lives in our most important relationship, marriage. The world treats marriage as a mystery, while the Bible is very clear about God's intention for marriage. Join us as we look into this incredibly important topic.

  • Raise Your Children for the Lord
    • 3/14/21

    Raise Your Children for the Lord

    Did you know that Christianity is only one generation from extinction? Just as the Children of Israel were only able to enjoy the benefits of living in the Land if they lived in obedience to God, Christianity depends upon the faithfulness of parents to teach and 0f their children to obey.

  • Be a Slave for Christ
    • 2/21/21

    Be a Slave for Christ

    Join us for our verse-by-verse study of the book of Ephesians. Today we find ourselves in chapter 6 studying the relationship that God desires between slaves and masters. As usual, the Bible is relevant today even if the institution of slavery is not as prevalent as it was in Paul's day.

  • Be Strong in the Lord
    • 3/28/21

    Be Strong in the Lord

    In this lesson we begin a study of spiritual warfare from the book of Ephesians. As we continue our verse-by-verse look at this letter we have come to the point where Paul tells us how to apply the things that he has taught about the Christian life. As with so many other areas in the church today, there is much confusion when it comes to spiritual warfare. Join us as we look into how to win the battle for our minds.

  • Our Spiritual Struggle
    • 4/11/21

    Our Spiritual Struggle

    In this portion of the letter we see Paul giving the key information for how to live a successful Christian life. Spiritual warfare is often mischaracterized as a sensationalistic cosmic battle against Satan and his demons. In reality, this is a battle for our minds, and a battle against sin and unrighteousness. Listen to this message to learn more about our adversary the Devil, and the deceitful schemes that he uses to lead us into sin.

  • Our Spiritual Struggle: Part Two
    • 4/18/21

    Our Spiritual Struggle: Part Two

    Join us as we continue our verse-by-verse study of the book of Ephesians. Today we continue to look at spiritual warfare, and intense combat that we, as Christians, are engaged in. The good news for believers is that God has provided all that we need to be successful in the Christian life. We simply need to walk in the resources that He has made available.

  • Stand Your Ground
    • 4/25/21

    Stand Your Ground

    As Christians we face a battle that is very real in this life. It is not a sensationalistic struggle of good and evil as portrayed in movies, rather it is a battle against sin. The Lord has provided all that we need to be successful in this warfare if we only avail ourselves of His resources. Join us as we look into the armor of God as given by Paul in Ephesians 6.

  • How to Defeat Evil
    • 5/2/21

    How to Defeat Evil

    Join us as we continue our look at the armor of God, which God provides for the believer in our battle against sin.

  • How to Defeat Evil, Part Two
    • 5/9/21

    How to Defeat Evil, Part Two

    Today we conclude our look at the armor of God. In this lesson we concentrate on shield of faith, the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit. These final pieces complete the full armor which gives us all the tools we need to defeat sin in our lives.

  • We Need Prayer
    • 5/16/21

    We Need Prayer

    Today we conclude our look at the armor of God by looking at the necessity of communication in spiritual warfare. Just like physical warfare, the spiritual battle requires that we be in constant communication with our leader, the God of the universe. See how that works in your daily life in this message.

  • Saved and Faithful
    • 5/30/21

    Saved and Faithful

    We are coming to the conclusion of our study of the book of Ephesians. In these closing verses Paul uses several rich theological words which are important for our understanding of living a godly life for the Lord. Join us as we look at the gospel of our salvation, what it means to be faithful, and how we can have peace with God through Christ.

  • Peace, Love, and Grace
    • 6/6/21

    Peace, Love, and Grace

    Today we conclude our look at the letter of Paul to the Ephesians. Paul concludes this letter the way it began, by offering peace and grace to his audience. In this message we look at the important Christian concepts of peace, love and grace, and we see that these ideas summarize the book of Ephesians perfectly.